Style: Indie Rock, Electronic Dance Disco
Pros: Fun, a bit of progression from their earlier works.
Cons: It's hard to follow their two great albums Bright Like Neon Love and In Ghost Colours.
Overview: Upon first listen, I thought Zonoscope was good, but didn't blow me away like In Ghost Colours...
Cut Copy is definitely trying to progress with their style (into a bit more indie rock band sounding), however still keeping the fun dance elements that have made them popular. With that said, it is very hard to follow their previous effort, In Ghost Colours. Although, the more I've listened to Zonoscope, the more I appreciated it and Cut Copy's progression. Plus, it's like $5.99 on Amazon
Top Songs: I like all the songs.

Purchase: Zonoscope
Cut Copy Website
Cut Copy Mixtape - A Tale of Two Journeys
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