
Album Review: Mord Fustang - All Eyes On: Mord Fustang

Mord Fustang - All Eyes On: Mord Fustang

Style: Electro-something
Pros: Great
Cons: I already bought half the album in the year prior to this album release and have to buy it again because iTunes doesn't recognize those songs in order to complete this album.
Overview: Mord Fustang is one of those up-and-coming talent, belonging to the new influx of electronic artists, with Madeon and Porter Robinson.  I'm sure you've pretty much heard the album, All Eyes On: Mord Fustang, primarily because most of the songs were released as singles within the past year.  Anyways, it is a pretty good album regardless.  His sound is unique and strong.  Some of you may get bored because there's no vocals, and the tracks can seem repetitive, but I don't really care.  Though honestly, if there were lyricized vocal tracks, Mord Fustang would really make that kick... Why? His remix of In the Air by Morgan Page, Ned Shepard, and BT, that's why.  I could see that as Mord's evolution.
Top Songs: All
4 out of 5 vinyls 

Mord Fustang Facebook (couldn't find his website)

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