
Watchmen Dispute Over?

According to Variety, Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox has settled their dispute over the Watchmen movie. To get caught up on the public battle click here.
In the deal, Warner Bros. gets the right to open the picture on its March 6th release date, and Fox's logo will not be the film. Sources say that Fox will get an upfront cash payment of $5 to $10 million, covering the $1.4 million in development fees and the millions of moolah in legal fees. Fox also gets 5% to 8.5% of the films gross depending on how much it makes worldwide. And...they also get a percentage off of any sequels or spin-offs the film may incur. Attorneys from both parties are scheduled to meet this morning to finalize the settlement.
So in wrap, it looks like Watchmen will come out on it's scheduled release date. Now, let's hope it's a good movie or else all this legal-battle-cry, just goes down the tube.

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