The movie with the long-ass title. Kinda rolls off the tongue don't ya think? Anyways, 'AJJCRF' to be short, is based off the book of the same name. Brad Pitt signed a contract which didn't allow him to change the name of the movie. What did I think of the movie? Well there are great performances by Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck. Also the movie is shot very well. They were using that pinhole camera(I don't the name of it) for some shots, it distorts the edges and makes things look like miniatures. However, it just felt too long; a lot of dialogue, that really didn't do anything for me. Another disappointment was that the voice over narration felt like something out of a VH1 behind the music episode. Great acting and great cinematography aren't the only two things that make a good movie. If you're looking to watch a western, I suggestion 3:10 to Yuma.

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